A Great Children’ Christmas Party
11th December 2016
When you see children sat on a floor watching an entertainer on a stage with looks of awe on their faces, you realise that they are really, really enjoying themselves and that was more than the case at the Christmas Children’s party hosted by the Mark Province of West Lancashire at Leyland Masonic Hall.
The party gets underway
and children’s entertainer “Scoop” on stage
The entertainer was “Scoop” who kept all the children captivated by the variety of his act of games, magic, including disco, throughout the afternoon. But not only did he keep the children engaged and very active but he included parents and grandparents in some of the games as well. Some like 85 year old Don Fryer from St. Helens enjoyed the afternoon just as much as his 7 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren, some of whom were at the party, even though Don wasn’t able to take part in the games, all being well, he will be there again next year.
Josh Michael Clarke’s grandson helps “Scoop” with his magic
All the children dined during a break
“Scoop” tries a bit of juggling
All the children dined during a break in the afternoon before resuming a short session of games with “Scoop” followed by a visit by Father Christmas and his helper Carol Pallister, when every child received a gift.
Parents and grandparents try their hand a games
All the Christmas presents ready for presentation to the children
This annual event is an outstanding and should not be missed. If you didn’t go and you have young children or grandchildren, you really did miss a very special treat. Make sure you go next year.
282 Father Christmas gets ready for the rush
The presentation gets underway

Don Fryer enjoys the party too

The Mark Province would like to thank all the staff at Leyland Masonic Hall for their help and support during the day.
Words and pictures by Fred Lomax